Friday, June 18, 2010

SoM Day 2

Down at the waterfront waiting for the Trews.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sound of Music Day 1

Took the girls down to see Faber Drive tonight it was a good time.  Tomorrow the Trews

Friday, June 11, 2010

Out Riding

While I am not out riding right now, I had a nice ride last night with @Talluleh
Trying out the Run Keeper iPhone app, check out its report for last night . I broke the valve on my rear wheel a couple of weeks ago and it was getting pretty low last night, the gears need to be tuned as well. I took both my Cannonade and my Trek Hybrid in to Neworld Cycle here in Burlington for tune ups. Should have them back on Tuesday.
Looking forward to some more riding.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Weekend

Last Saturday was my youngest daughters dress rehearsal and dance recital. The recital was great and she was in two dances. There was a lot of waiting though, especially during the dress rehearsal, during that time I ended up buying a very addictive game for my iPhone Angry Birds. I had a great time watching Jenna dance and even the waiting around was fun.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The iPad

I was discussing the iPad recently with a friend of mine who is considering buying one. Although there is a certain coolness factor about the iPad and the kid in me wants one, I have no need for one and some of the things I would want to use one for, like reading books and magazines, would actually cost more to do in electronic versions then using the current atom based versions. There are a number of things that have dissuaded me from grabbing one but the fact that the books I want cost more in the electronic version and the magazines cost significantly more, and I can't share them when I am done like I can real books and magazines, has closed the issue for me. It is too bad.
On the other hand while looking into it I stumbled across this very funny video of the Star Wars iPad briefing. Check it out.